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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

 #region Functions
function Update-ErrorLog {
if ( $Message -ne '' ) {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$($Message)`r`n`r`nCheck '$($BaseDir)\exceptions.txt' for details.",'Exception Occurred')}
$date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss'
$ErrorRecord | Out-File "$($BaseDir)\tmpError.txt"
Add-Content -Path "$($BaseDir)\exceptions.txt" -Value "$($date): $($(Get-Content "$($BaseDir)\tmpError.txt") -replace "\s+"," ")"
Remove-Item -Path "$($BaseDir)\tmpError.txt"
if ( $Promote ) {throw $ErrorRecord}
function ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML {
try {
if ( $Xml.GetType().Name -eq 'String' ) {$Xml = ([xml]$Xml).ChildNodes}
if ( $Xml.ToString() -ne 'SplitterPanel' ) {$newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$($Xml.ToString())}
if ( $ParentControl ) {
if ( $Xml.ToString() -match "^ToolStrip" ) {
if ( $ParentControl.GetType().Name -match "^ToolStrip" ) {[void]$ParentControl.DropDownItems.Add($newControl)} else {[void]$ParentControl.Items.Add($newControl)}
} elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ) {$ParentControl.ContextMenuStrip = $newControl}
elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'SplitterPanel' ) {$newControl = $ParentControl.$($Xml.Name.Split('_')[-1])}
else {$ParentControl.Controls.Add($newControl)}
$Xml.Attributes | ForEach-Object {
$attrib = $_
$attribName = $_.ToString()
if ( $Script:specialProps.Array -contains $attribName ) {
if ( $attribName -eq 'Items' ) {
$($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object{[void]$newControl.Items.Add($_)}
} else {
# Other than Items only BoldedDate properties on MonthCalendar control
$methodName = "Add$($attribName)" -replace "s$"
$($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object{$newControl.$attribName.$methodName($_)}
} else {
switch ($attribName) {
FlatAppearance {
$attrib.Value.Split('|') | ForEach-Object {$newControl.FlatAppearance.$($_.Split('=')[0]) = $_.Split('=')[1]}
default {
if ( $null -ne $newControl.$attribName ) {
if ( $newControl.$attribName.GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean' ) {
if ( $attrib.Value -eq 'True' ) {$value = $true} else {$value = $false}
} else {$value = $attrib.Value}
} else {$value = $attrib.Value}
$newControl.$attribName = $value
if (( $attrib.ToString() -eq 'Name' ) -and ( $Reference -ne '' )) {
try {$refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -ErrorAction Stop}
catch {
New-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -Value @{} | Out-Null
$refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ( $Xml.ChildNodes ) {$Xml.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {ConvertFrom-WinformsXML -Xml $_ -ParentControl $newControl -Reference $Reference -Suppress}}
if ( $Suppress -eq $false ) {return $newControl}
} catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding $($Xml.ToString()) to $($ParentControl.Name)"}
function Get-CustomControl {
try {
$refGuid = [guid]::NewGuid()
$control = ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Xml "$($ControlInfo.XMLText)" -Reference $refGuid
$refControl = Get-Variable -Name $refGuid -ValueOnly
if ( $ControlInfo.Events ) {$ControlInfo.Events.ForEach({$refControl[$_.Name]."add_$($_.EventType)"($_.ScriptBlock)})}
if ( $Reference -ne '' ) {New-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -Value $refControl}
Remove-Variable -Name refGuid -Scope Script
if ( $Suppress -eq $false ) {return $control}
} catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered getting special control."}
function moveSP ([String]$srcSite,[String]$destSite){
Move-PnPFile -SiteRelativeUrl $srcSite -TargetUrl $destSite -Force -AllowSchemaMismatch
function connectSP ([String]$tenantURL){
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $tenantURL -Interactive
#endregion Functions