Tried to integrate Threading, as by default, a lot of functionnality will hang the GUI

This commit is contained in:
Kawawete 2024-03-13 17:41:33 +01:00
parent a66fb59b6e
commit a42c3bf5ef
2 changed files with 143 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"configurations": [
"name": "PowerShell: Launch Script",
"type": "PowerShell",
"request": "launch",
"script": "${workspaceFolder}\\sputils.ps1",
"args": []

View File

@ -12,13 +12,28 @@
# Source : C:\Users\SebastienQUEROL\source\repos\sharepointmover-gui\Form1.Designer.cs
function Get-ScriptDirectory
{ #Return the directory name of this script
$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
###############Thread Setup
$ScriptPath = Get-ScriptDirectory
$Global:syncHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$newRunspace.ApartmentState ="STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions ="ReuseThread"
##Aucune foutre idée de ce qu'est cense faire ce morceau de code, ca a été généré par le createur de forms
# function Get-ScriptDirectory
# { #Return the directory name of this script
# $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
# Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
# }
# $ScriptPath = Get-ScriptDirectory
#### Premier runspace, contien le programme dans sa totalité
$MainWindowGUI = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
# Chargement des assemblies externes
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
@ -209,7 +224,7 @@ $BconnectSP.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true
$URLTenant.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(22, 55)
$URLTenant.Name = "URLTenant"
$URLTenant.Text = ""
$URLTenant.Text = ""
$URLTenant.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(325, 20)
$URLTenant.TabIndex = 1
@ -364,7 +379,7 @@ $tabPage5.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true
$LresultsMove.HideSelection = $false
$LresultsMove.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(8, 173)
$LresultsMove.Name = "LresultsMove"
$LresultsMove.FullRowSelect = true
#$LresultsMove.FullRowSelect = true
$LresultsMove.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(776, 190)
$LresultsMove.TabIndex = 7
$LresultsMove.AutoSize = $true
@ -385,76 +400,123 @@ $FMain.Text = "SharePoint Utils GUI"
#Onglet Move
##Lister les sites dans les comboBoxes
#On vide la variable pnpConnection pour ne pas avoir de faux positifs
#On stocke la derniere connection PnP
$pnpConnection = Get-PnPConnection | Out-string
#A ameliorer, mais pour l'instant, ca devrait passer
if(-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pnpConnection))){
$sitesList = $null
$sitesList = Get-PnPTenantSite | Where -Property Template -NotIn ("SRCHCEN#0", "REDIRECTSITE#0", "SPSMSITEHOST#0", "APPCATALOG#0", "POINTPUBLISHINGHUB#0", "EDISC#0", "STS#-1", 'EHS#1','POINTPUBLISHINGTOPIC#0') | Select url
foreach($siteUrl in $sitesList){
$siteUrl -match "@{Url=(?<content>.*)}"
$siteUrlClean = $matches["content"]
$LresultsMove.Items.Add("Connectez-vous au tenant d'abord")
$newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$newRunspace.ApartmentState ="STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions ="ReuseThread"
$BlistSitesRunSpace = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
#On vide la variable pnpConnection pour ne pas avoir de faux positifs
#On stocke la derniere connection PnP
$pnpConnection = Get-PnPConnection | Out-string
#A ameliorer, mais pour l'instant, ca devrait passer
if(-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pnpConnection))){
$sitesList = $null
$sitesList = Get-PnPTenantSite | Where-Object -Property Template -NotIn ("SRCHCEN#0", "REDIRECTSITE#0", "SPSMSITEHOST#0", "APPCATALOG#0", "POINTPUBLISHINGHUB#0", "EDISC#0", "STS#-1", 'EHS#1','POINTPUBLISHINGTOPIC#0') | Select-Object url
foreach($siteUrl in $sitesList){
$siteUrl -match "@{Url=(?<content>.*)}"
$siteUrlClean = $matches["content"]
$LresultsMove.Items.Add("Connectez-vous au tenant d'abord")
$LresultsMove.Items.Add("Connectez-vous au tenant d'abord")
$LresultsMove.Items.Add("Connectez-vous au tenant d'abord")
$BlistSitesRunSpace.PowerShell.Runspace = $newRunspace
$BlistSitesRunSpace.Thread = $BlistSitesRunSpace.PowerShell.BeginInvoke()
##Bouger les dossiers
# $copyIt = {
# param ($sourceSite,$destSite)
# $sourceSite = $sourceSite -Replace '[A-Za-z]+://([A-Za-z]+(\.[A-Za-z]+)+)',''
# $destSite = $destSite -Replace '[A-Za-z]+://([A-Za-z]+(\.[A-Za-z]+)+)',''
# $jobCopyPending = Copy-PnPFile -SourceUrl "$sourceSite" -TargetUrl "$destSite" -Force -OverwriteIfAlreadyExists
# $jobStatus = Receive-PnPCopyMoveJobStatus -Job $jobCopyPending -Wait
# Write-Output $jobStatus
# }
$sourceSite = $CBsourceSite.Text
$destSite = $CBdestSite.Text
$jobMovePending = Copy-PnPFile -SourceUrl $sourceSite -TargetUrl $destSite -Force -OverwriteIfAlreadyExists
$jobStatus = Receive-PnPCopyMoveJobStatus -Job $jobMovePending
Write-Host $jobStatus
$newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$newRunspace.ApartmentState ="STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions ="ReuseThread"
$copySPRunspace.PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
$destSite = $CBdestSite.Text
$sourceSite = $CBsourceSite.Text
$sourceSite = $sourceSite -Replace '[A-Za-z]+://([A-Za-z]+(\.[A-Za-z]+)+)',''
$destSite = $destSite -Replace '[A-Za-z]+://([A-Za-z]+(\.[A-Za-z]+)+)',''
$jobCopyPending = Copy-PnPFile -SourceUrl "$sourceSite" -TargetUrl "$destSite" -Force -OverwriteIfAlreadyExists
$jobStatus = Receive-PnPCopyMoveJobStatus -Job $jobCopyPending -Wait
Write-Output $jobStatus
$copySPRunspace.PowerShell.Runspace = $newRunspace
$copySPRunspace.Thread = $copySPRunspace.PowerShell.BeginInvoke()
#Onglet Parametres
##Connexion Sharepoint
$pnpConnection = Get-PnPConnection | Out-string
$tenantURL = $URLTenant.Text
$newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$newRunspace.ApartmentState ="STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions ="ReuseThread"
$pnpConnection = Get-PnPConnection | Out-string
$tenantURL = $URLTenant.Text
$connResults = Connect-PnPOnline -Url $tenantURL -Interactive 2>&1 | Out-String
$connectToSPRunspace.PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $tenantURL -Interactive | Out-String
Switch ($ERROR)
{$ERROR[0] -match "Host not reachable" }{
$label4.Text = "Injoignable"
$label4.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::MediumVioletRed
{$ERROR[0] -match "User canceled authentication."}{
$label4.Text = "Annulé"
$label4.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::MediumVioletRed
{-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pnpConnection))}{
$label4.Text = "Connecté"
$label4.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Green
Switch ($ERROR)
{$ERROR[0] -match "Host not reachable" }{
$label4.Text = "Injoignable"
$label4.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::MediumVioletRed
{$ERROR[0] -match "User canceled authentication."}{
$label4.Text = "Annulé"
$label4.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::MediumVioletRed
{-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pnpConnection))}{
$label4.Text = "Connecté"
$label4.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Green
Default {
$label4.Text = "Connecté"
$label4.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Green
Default {
$label4.Text = "Connecté"
$label4.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Green
$connectToSPRunspace.PowerShell.Runspace = $newRunspace
$connectToSPRunspace.Thread = $connectToSPRunspace.PowerShell.BeginInvoke()
function OnFormClosing_FMain{
@ -478,3 +540,8 @@ $FMain.Add_Shown({$FMain.Activate()})
# Libération de la Form
$MainWindowGUI.Runspace = $newRunspace
$data = $MainWindowGUI.BeginInvoke()